The most flexible & powerful process project management system

Get Everything You Need With Just One Tool
ISETIA is a cloud-based project management solution that supports agile and scrum methodologies along with other ad-hoc project management models. It helps businesses to manage task assignments, documents, budgets, issues and risks. With ISETIA, users can create projects, define tasks and subtasks, onboard team members and managers, track project schedules and report events and progress.

A Ready-To-Go Project Management Solution
Every user gets a personalised dashboard to track project status, get project-specific alerts and chat with peers. The document management feature helps users save documents in project-specific categories. Multiple users can collaborate on a document and the role-based setting allows to restrict document access to different sets of users according to their roles and project involvement. The solution also offers project planning, estimates, budgeting, actual expense tracking and other financial tracking tools to help users monitor project costs.
Pre-Configured Modules To Save Time
ISETIA offers a number of pre-configured modules aligned to different projects environments and needs to allow users to begin benefiting from solution immediately, and can be tailored to your organisation’s needs.
Document Management
Document management with ISETIA is truly an adventure. It’s complex, flexible, secure and innovative. It covers all necessary tools to manage, collaborate, edit and circulate documents in extra ordinary visualised way. Move from copy & paste, folder & subfolder standard reality to multidimension, transparent and multifunctional world.
Flexible structure
ISETIA introduces revolution move from standard reality of folders & subfolders into the tailored private information zone. Work flexibly and comfortably with unique horizontal and vertical structure of documentation which will allow you to shape your own configuration of information.
Transparent documents flow and revision
Document flow and revision options make collaboration with information efficient, easy and transparent. Revision option is a 1 to 1 document exchange. Just send document directly to one person, asking for a feedback. Use flow to communicate with more members – send file with request for approval including all cascade path of management or ask colleagues for notes and remarks by sending file to all of them at once. Track flows and revision which you created and get notified about all changes and progress till the closure. If needed check log where you will find all activities taken by users on a particular document. Flows and revisions are shown on ISETIA Dashboard® in visualised and consistent way.
Multidimension related documents mechanism and versioning
In ISETIA you get multidimension structure with ability of creating relations between documents in purpose of making packages. Such related documents mechanism improves the way of working and takes you from copy & paste reality to multidimension world. Instead of losing time on manual copy & paste of files, create relations between documents in transparent, logical structure by having the same file in few places at once. Versioning functionality guarantees that everyone always work with the latest version.
Automated archivisation
Uninterrupted document circulation is critical during projects execution. Structure is a key point to keep an order of complex documentation. Instead of foldering docs, put them to one place available for every team members and create structure that suits you. Centralised, cloud-based repository gives full access from any place.
Instant visual comment
Markup option gives ability to put comments and notes directly on document in an innovative drawing way. Draw what you mean. Quickly and precisely pass your message.
Extensive security
Easily collect your documents securely online with ISETIA thanks to strong encryption. Anyway, all data is daily (customisable) automatically backup. Expanded internal security is build up though variety of privileges combination based on global or project’s roles and on individual users.
Handy web-based platform
Access your documents from multi-tenant web-based platform. ISETIA is 24/7/365 service, available from any place of the world, with basic hardware requirements.
ISETIA Finance
ISETIA Finance module helps speed up an enterprise’s financial processes and offers auditable revenue management and expense management. It also enables company clearly communicate financial information to external parties, including vendors and customers. All type of activities such as planning, estimating, budgeting, financing managing and controlling costs can be completed in ISETIA. ISETIA cost management module covers the full life cycle of a project from the initial planning phase towards measuring the actual cost performance and project completion. So if you need valuable help to define cost control procedures, track and approve changes and apply analyses also if you really want to know how much your project will cost, and how much it actually costs, you should use ISETIA.
Financial transparency
The GL and analytics dashboard give authorised users the information they need to understand their company’s financials.
Improved productivity
Once a company automates its manual and time-consuming finance processes, productivity will improve.
Reduce human errorsivity
Accounting errors, including data entry mistakes, are easier to detect and avoid.
Better-informed planning and budgeting
Finance module analytics and reporting functions help to forecast costs and revenue and produce more accurate budgets.
Tracking and organising financial documents
The digital format means an organisation is less likely to misplace or lose documents. In addition, documents are usually filed in the proper place automatically.
No missed payments
BI notifies a company about upcoming payments. The company can also have payments plan forecast.
A company can access its financial information in one place.
Because ISETIA Finance module integrates with other ERP solutions as well as Planning solutions also business systems, an organisation has access to key data, such as sales figures and marketing budgets.
A business use case is a common task or workflow carried out in software. Here are some examples from ISETIA Finance:
Improved productivity
Invoice processing, cash management.
Billing, extending credit and matching invoices with cash received.
Recording revenue that is received over time rather than in a single transaction. Strict regulations require this revenue to be recognised properly in the general ledger and income statement.
Automatically reconciling account discrepancies to avoid delays in the monthly close.
Analysing receivables and customer accounts to identify payment risks and executing steps to encourage timely collection
Assign costs to any unit of work
From the smallest up to a largest one. Expenses may be assigned directly to WBS element, ISETIA Board®, ToDo or task which make a project. They may be also assigned to portfolios, programs or project. Just allocate them where they were incurred. Each work unit, whether elementary or aggregated, may have any number of expenses appointed to.
Classify and track
Costs may be classified according to any list of categories which you have in your company or in your project. You may separately plan and track, for instance salary expenses, assets, materials etc.
Plan and perform
Usually firstly you plan an expense and later on perform some transactions, like buying or paying for service after which the expense becomes actual. Sometimes you pay in tranches. In addition you may create one or more actual charges for a planned cost. In each of actual payments assigned to given planned expenses you provide standard data like quantity, unit price, description etc.
Control your budget
ISETIA automatically summarises planned and actual expenses and presents percentage of work execution. The other type of cost control is the mechanism of remaining expenses. ISETIA knows what amount of money was planned and how much has been already spent. The amount of remaining budget is calculated on the basis of these values. When you exceed planned budget the system raises alarm but allows for next spending. The prices might have changed, after all. Cost control may be performed in several places in ISETIA. The simplest way to have control over your budget is just browsing expenses as they were input to ISETIA. You may see and manage them from the side of work units, to which they were ascribed. Moreover in ISETIA Dashboard® there is a portlet designed just to summarise your expenses sorted according to requested categories.
You may report costs in tabular, linear, pie chart and other types of reports by using extraordinary visualisation forms.
Attach documents
Expenses may have documents related to them. There are several types of documentation which can be relevant: orders, work specifications, invoices etc. So you do not have to search through all the document repository to find any paper related to your expense. There may be documents related to costs like orders, invoices, detailed specifications and so on. You may assign them to any expense thus having full information about cost stored in one place.
Tailor your cost environment
ISETIA cost management module is very flexible to be aligned with your needs. You may define some attributes as ISETIA dictionaries. There are expense categories, units of measures which can be easily established in it. There are plenty of attributes characterising your expenses. You have data identifying them like identifier, name and description etc. Purchased items can be defined by their unit price and quantity. Its product makes the amount of price. You may define as well the unit of measure of purchased goods. There are also planned dates related to expenses, their currency and responsible person.
Risk Management
How to deliver your project on time, on budget and with demanded quality in risky environment? Make risk management part of your project and work it out with ISETIA. You can gain a lot of money if you deal with uncertain project events in a proactive manner and take care about opportunities. Minimise the impact of project threats and seize the opportunities that occur, then face consequences of risks, plan and deal with them using dynamic ISETIA risk management module.
Precisely identify and communicate
Basic action is to spot risks present in project and communicate them promptly in clear and transparent way. Key point is to give all team members ability to share and communicate potential risks by access to ISETIA risk management module and create risk flows. Additionally, use interactive message boards for spreading and discussing observations about potential risks to other team members.
Step-by-step risk management flow
ISETIA Form® gives variety of available fields which may be tailored to specific way of risk management in your company – add or remove fields, as well as modify the values for types, statuses, categories, manageability, probability, priority, risk response actions. However, you can use predefined ones in accordance with the PMI standards.
Clarify ownership
Indicate right people by assigning them responsibility for execution and result. ISETIA registers automatically creator of the risk and who did last update.
Use an option to priorities and categorise risks due to specific organisation criteria.
Impact start and finish dates fields allows to provide time frames for risk duration. Calculations in risk flow are based on value and probability multiplied giving exposure value expressed in the currency.
Plan and implement
Descriptive area allows to explain risk, causes and potential implications. Provide your plan in response description field.
Step-by-step risk management flow
ISETIA allows you to include comments and register every action taken to a change log. That information is helpful within flow cycle, giving other people overview on history of risk with notes. Manage also opportunities to find and get benefits and gains. Every risk may be assigned to a specific structure – project, program (group of projects) or portfolio and specific part of structure – task, WBS or process.
Risk register and reports
ISETIA contains dedicated risk register which helps to manage, track and collect risks in one place. It gives better general as well as detailed overview with precise reporting options.
And smart BIM clash detection
Issue Management
In the life cycle of any project, there will almost always be unexpected problems and questions that crop up. Isetia allows you to be ready, to beat them and deal with them to avoid potential effects of the projects outcome. ISETIA issue management guarantees a safe and reliable method for the team to raise, assign responsibility, track, analyse and prioritise issues easily. Finally record issue resolution for future reference and project learning.
One and only one practices
Move a step forward with ISETIA beside of standard issue management practices:
• Get another value – after solving issue convert it into Lesson Learned.
• Attach photos, videos or voice memos for even faster, easier and more comfortable flow.
• Customise your way – types, priorities and statuses values are fully customisable. Provide and use terms and names as your organization used to. However, you may use predefined ones.
• Every action taken on issue is registered automatically in a change log (dates, responsibilities or comments etc.).
• Sort out issues in accordance to management levels. Identify issue on stage of task, WBS, process, project, group of projects, program or portfolio. Spot fast which part of the project’s structure will be affected.
Ready for unknowns
In ISETIA, issue management flow is carefully looked after at very early stage of following information by detailed ISETIA Issue Form®:
• Type – categorise issues. It helps you to track and assign issues to the right people or roles.
• Owner – who discovered the issue.
• Time & date – when the issue was identified – ISETIA registers it automatically.
• Description – details about what happened and the potential impact on project.
• Priority – an importance rating.
• Responsible person – this person may or may not actually implement a solution, however is responsible for tracking and ensuring that it’s dealt with accordance to its priority.
• Due date – the deadline for resolving the issue.
• Status – the progress of the resolution with a clear label identifying the issue’s overall status.
• Comment the resolution path – the status of the issue and steps taken to find and implement a resolution. Timing of comments are registered automatically.
• Final resolution – brief description of what was done to address the issue.
Clear path
One of the key challenge of issue management is to resolve the problem quickly and then fast react with as little as possible impact to the project. ISETIA is equipped with issue management tool which boosts communication and overall issue flow. As time is often critical variable for reaching the success. Any Issue assigned to a responsible person appears immediately on ISETIA Dashboard® with all terminal and helpful data. If issue is more complex it may be converted into ISETIA Card® (task to execute) with follow-up and tracking options in ISETIA Board®. Since most issues are unexpected, using ISETIA will make ensure ability of dealing with them quickly and effectively. Get issue resolution process in place before starting project to make sure that you stay on schedule and objectives.
Well prepared framework is a base for an effective issue solving. ISETIA allows you to predefine your own framework including such components like:
• Way of responsibility assignment – manage it by specific person (e.g. a specialist) or roles (e.g. technical issues).
• Determine the status – define your own statuses in reference to specific criteria.
• Set up resolution date – assign issue flow to right and competent person.
• Communication – use issue flow, comments and ISETIA Dashboard® notifications.
• Affects to schedule and budget – when issue is affecting project, define your own company decisions process and flow standards to reduce costs effects.
Unique convert from 3D model
BIM integration makes it even simpler to solve an issue. In additional BIM module, you can create issue directly form a 3D model in relevance to object, group of objects or to overall model and then run solving process inside ISETIA.
BIM Viewer / BIM Pro
Use of BIM goes beyond the planning and design phase of the project. It extends throughout the building life cycle, supporting processes including cost management, construction management, project management, process management and facility operation.
ISETIA BIM approach supports 100% BIM Construction Management Process. ISETIA BIM concept envisages virtual construction of a facility prior to its actual physical construction, in order to reduce uncertainty, improve safety, work out problems, and simulate and analyse potential impacts. Sub-contractors from every trade can input critical information into the model before beginning construction, with opportunities to pre-fabricate or pre-assemble some systems off-site.
Waste can be minimised on-site and products delivered on a just-in-time basis rather than being stock-piled on-site. Boost building design, streamline information, integrate workflow, accurate cost estimation, improve lifecycle management, leverage effectiveness of maintenance and span all of it with building designs using ISETIA BIM Viewer. An adventure with dedicated module of ISETIA BIM Viewer will transfer your capabilities to other dimension.
Discover your possibilities in merging projects
Upload & Download IFC Files – In just one click, you can upload an IFC file and see your model directly online. Charts and graphics help to understand data and your management performance through precise metrics. ISETIA BIM promotes Open BIM workflow solutions by supporting IFC (Industry Foundation Classes).
Unlimited model checking
Collision verification – Participants in the building process are constantly challenged to deliver successful projects despite tight budgets, restricted in size manpower, accelerated schedules, and limited or conflicting information. The significant disciplines such as architectural, structural and MEP designs should be well coordinated, as two things can’t happen at the same place and time. ISETIA BIM Viewer aids in collision detection at the initial stage, identifying the exact location of discrepancies.
Clash detection
Quantities and shared properties of materials can be extracted easily. Scopes of work can be isolated and defined. Systems, assemblies and sequences can be shown in a relative scale with the entire facility or group of facilities. ISETIA BIM Viewer also prevents errors by enabling conflict or ‘clash detection’ whereby the computer model visually highlights to the team where parts of the building (structural frame and building services pipes or ducts) may wrongly intersect.
Display your construction building from separated angles and save it up.
Enhance BIM workflow
Create, transfer and review your issues from different platforms accessible to the whole project team. Track issues, revisions, remarks.
Manage issues
Create, edit, archive, filter, sort, comment, assign and merge issues.
3D visualisations
See and create issues directly from your online 3D models.
Print reports to engage more people in to the coordination proces.
Notification system
Receive web and email notifications.
Cut the view
Share your object into separated section views and enjoy detailed analyse.
Mark up
Highlight important areas with selected colours and emphasise importance of particular object’s parts.
Saving the model views-up
Display your construction building from separated angles and save it up.
Transparency and colouring
See-through objects elements like walls to find out what is inside of the model. Use several colouring functions to make it even more real.
Configure items
Find and group, filter, evaluate important for you objects data from the model.
Sliding floors
Focus on particular area of your construction like whole floor and sort it out by sliding out from model to be able clearly analyse inside details.
Ckecking changes
Analyse your separate drawings from the differences between model revisions point of view.
Select preferred areas
Choose and concentrate only on particular part of your object to have crystal clear perception.
Navigate easily in the model
Our navigation toolbar allows smoothly operate in 3D model.
Request a trial version today.
3P Management
Welcome to the exceptionally unique heart of ISETIA where management of project’s scope, based on WBS’s and classic GANTT charts, is directly integrated with innovative ISETIA Board features, grounded in agile and kanban project’s techniques. Just with one click in ISETIA 3P management module, open new world of unlimited opportunities which allows you detailed management of the elaboration of each project’s deliverables.
It’s not just Project, Program and Portfolio under cover of 3P abbreviation. It’s freely configurable cross mix of processes which could be aligned with many other existing company processes. All ISETIA modules are perfectly correlated with 3P Management engine creating unique energy of perfection.
Comprehensive uniqueness
- Project’s scope management using WBSs, TASKs and ISETIA Boards;
- Time, costs, human resources, risk, issues, communication and lessons learned management are all embraced in 3P Management module;
- Extraordinary cross links between 3P Management module and any other ISETIA modules;
- Flexible switch from standard scheduling into ISETIA Board style;
- Scalability of Projects, Programs and Portfolios;
- Adjustable tailored project life cycle management, based on the flexible project’s phases like: Initiating, Planning, Execution, Closeout or any other techniques;Full transparency of project life cycle, due to the precise acceptation criteria’s and the identified path of decisions made;
- Strong project’s roles feature, fully customisable to organisation resource breakdown structure, combined with the access control to project’s objects like: documents, costs, risks, issues, lessons learned, etc.;
- Real time aggregation of project’s numeric data, from the level of individual ISETIA Card, located in a single project, up to the whole portfolio level;
- Unlimited number of expenses (planned and actual) can be assigned to each project, also on the level of WBS, TASK and ISETIA card;
- Reporting of the crucial project’s data, through a customisable ISETIA Personal Dashboards and other reporting techniques;
- Possibility of assigning roles to selected team members. The roles are subject to privileges defining access to any or all of system objects;
Change Request
During the project, a change request can frequently be met with dread. But in fact it’s, a reality in the business world and often change requests are submitted for legitimate reasons. In our constantly changing business environment, it is impossible for anyone to be aware of what in particular they will need to achieve the objectives at the start of a project.
Therefore, the best way to handle change is by managing it rather than avoiding it. Although teams should resist unnecessary changes, it is important to stay open to new opportunities that could bring more value to the project and the organisation.
Very simple definition of change request is a proposal to alter a product or system, often brought up by the client or another team member. During a project, this can happen when a client wants to change or alter the deliverables agreed upon.
A change request is a request to increase, decrease or modify any document, deliverables, work order, task, quantity of requested material or baseline. It is a formal, written request that occurs after the parameters of the project have been agreed to or baselined and when the project is underway. In ISETIA you can keep documentation regarding change request and apply dynamic workflow on any request.
ISETIA Provide Change Request Module to allow system users to digitalise their requests online on common data environment.
An approved change request is a type of change request that has been processed through integrated change processes. The change request is often submitted by requesters, reviewed by different parties, and approved by stakeholders of the project. ISETIA has flexible role base privileges systems which gives opportunity for organisation to state who can request, who can approve, what are required documents for approval, document check lists, and approval checklists. All requests history will be recorded in system such as when requested, when approved and when accounted by stage movement in ISETIA Board.
Moreover ISETIA also gives possibilities to communicate, add comments, notes and remarks for all change requests.
Each Industry and organization have different templates and requirements for data collection during change request process. User can create a necessary data set of attributes (Unlimited User Defined Fields) and configure an appropriate views and forms, suitable to manage the data flexibly in ISETIA.
These are collections of details, related with Tasks, Work Orders, Contract Items, BoQ Items and any process element which is located on ISETIA Board.
Change Request can describe many technical parameters that are going to change and will require approval, both from the investor and from the contractor. Change Request Module provides perfect visibility of all the changes and the approval process. It’s an extension of process management functionality. Thanks that large number of details will be able to be captured with the single Task, Work Order, Process Items Card.
Typical usage of Change Request Module is Change Request Management, where dozens of fields may represent baseline data vs proposed attributes of the change request.
Five tips on effective management of change requests:
Request any supporting materials.
Determine whether the change request is inside or outside the scope.
Have your team assess the priority of the change request.
Approve or reject the change request.
Decide on a course of action going forward.
ISETIA helps to manage and track your workflow and will ensure that every team member stays in the loop. Each step is recorded by a built-in stage log that will allow to go back and retrace your steps if anything goes wrong.
The ability to control change is paramount to project success.
ISETIA Analytic
Ahead business intelligency, beyond performance management, more than analytics. Get data from wide range of sources, blend them together to create cross-functional reports and dashboards to view your business health across departments.
ISETIA Analytic is a powerful cloud-based business intelligence solution that helps users gather and interpret proprietary data to make better business decisions. It offers a simple interface that allows users to create their own dashboards and reports for all industry specialties: construction, power & energy, oil and gas banking and finance, education, government, healthcare, high tech, hospitality, insurance, manufacturing, mining, non-profit, pharmaceutical, retail, telecom, transport and logistics, utilities, IT.
The future of decision-making is here: analyse, simulate, plan and predict, all-in-one.
ISETIA brings digital transformation into companies’ processes, from strategic and operative planning to data analysis. It’s powerful Analytic Solution for every functional area in the enterprise.
Stop seeing data as a competitive advantage. Start using it as one. Whether you’re an IT professional or Business User. ISETIA offers modern BI solutions that support all your business analytic initiatives.
ISETIA combines an intuitive easy interface, a comprehensive set of charts, and cutting-edge MS Excel integration with advanced alerting and broadcasting functions, that make it easy to create and distribute any kind of reports. The powerful self-service environment gives individual users all the freedom they need to customise any report from ISETIA Database or using excel interface from any planning tool such as Primavera, Microsoft Project, TILOS, Powerproject or ERP solutions such as SAP, ORACLE, Microsoft.
Easily summarise your business performance with stunning data visualisations, delivering a personal and immediate understanding of what is going on. Combine data from any source to effectively display and monitor the status of metrics and KPIs across the enterprise. All without writing a single line of code.
ISETIA provides the capability to easily and quickly create simulation models that exactly reflect your business challenges, arming you with the analytical intelligence to evaluate the potential impact of your decisions before they are made. ISETIA’s cutting-edge technology makes any simulation process fast, agile and easy to implement.
The diagrammatic representation of BI implementation process is given below which will help to understand Business Intelligence more easily.
Impact of Business Intelligence
ISETIA BI has been proven useful for business organizations in the following ways;
• Get a quick solution for critical business complexities.
• Align business activities according to corporate strategies and tactics.
• Employee Empowerment
• Reduction in data manipulation time.
• Get insights into customers
• Recognise critical areas for cost estimation.
• Enhance business productivity
Create a data-driven culture with business intelligence for all
Enable everyone at every level of your organisation to make confident decisions using up-to-the-minute analytics. Get self-service analytics at enterprise scale. Reduce the added cost, complexity, and security risks of multiple solutions with an analytics platform that scales from individuals to the organisation as a whole.
Use smart tools for strong results
Find and share meaningful insights with hundreds of data visualisations, built-in AI capabilities, tight Excel integration, and prebuilt and custom data connectors.
Help to protect your analytics data
Gain leading sensitivity classification and data loss prevention capabilities to help keep your data secure and compliant—even when it’s exported
Lessons Learned
Each experience brings new lessons. In case of organisation, saving all of them only in employee memory is not enough to work out best practices or to avoid mistakes by other team members. Organisations of all sizes have a huge amount of knowledge and experience that is not being fully utilised. By building, maintaining and using a lessons learned database, this information can be used to improve project processes. This will finally lead to the consequent financial advantage for relatively little effort.
By using ISETIA not only unique experience but all experiences will be registered.
ISETIA LESSONS LEARNED MODULE allows all knowledge gained by experience to be collected from a project that should be actively taken into account in future plans. As the purpose of lessons learned is to bring together any insights gained during a project life cycle that can be usefully applied on future projects.
There is no doubt about that documented lessons in a proper manner in ISETIA can help future projects to succeed. Use ISETIA as it guarantees:
EASY REGISTRATION of lessons learned item on the level of a specific project, program or portfolio, regarding on its nature.
DISCLOSE A CENTRAL REPOSITORY of on both positive and negative experiences. A lesson identifies a specific process, or decision that reduces or eliminates the potential failures or reinforces a positive result. ISETIA proposes a dozen of attributes, which describe a single repository item.
You can add your own attributes, if needed so. You can also assign lesson learned item to the project’s structure elements and lesson’s category as well.
AVOID FORGETTING THE CHALLENGES faced during the course of a project.
INVOLVEMENT of all project participants in the lessons learned process.
ACCESSIBILITY of lessons learned to other projects.
DISSEMINATION of lessons learned to the project management community.
Process Management
Process management in ISETIA is a unique journey. As the only one solution in the market ISETIA offers wide, innovative and perfectly thought range of tools to micro planning. ISETIA allows to tailor nearly every area of your process in flexible and automated way.
Tailor-made micro planning
Standard project plan is prepared on base of classical Gantt chart tool. Unfortunately, schedule cannot contain all types and sizes of activities like daily administration or unexpected works, different issues and problems occurring during project execution, meetings and other small unexpected ad-hoc tasks. Move forward and work in new quality by using ISETIA’s approach to macro (classical project management) and micro planning which combines simple in use but extremely flexible process management integrated with traditional project schedule. This fusion brings management on a higher level, fills the gap for project’s processes as well as invisible daily administration works. Be creator of your own micro planning space.
Transparent ISETIA Dashboard ®
Every team member has own ISETIA Dashboard® with information needed to perform the tasks and requests: ISETIA CARD®, documents waiting for revision, approvals or just items requiring attention, document flows statuses, issues, risks, expenses and project’s Gantt chart. It effects the retention of unnecessary emails, losses of documents, not executed tasks, blurring of responsibility. The collaboration between team members runs smoothly and is fully transparent, thanks to bringing all micro planning communication to one shared space.
Configurable ISETIA BOARD® organises processes base work like RFI, RFP, RFQ, transmittals, submittals, punch lists, design changes, claims, change requests, etc. according to your specific, personalised standard policies and procedures. Create your templates and flexibly modify processes and save them in ISETIA for future use. ISETIA Board® allows to verify actions, tasks and work of your team at any time.
Crystal process execution
ISETIA Card® visualise status of ongoing actions with personal data of its owner (including photo, role, dates and deadlines). It also collects all information related to execution across all stages of process realisation. It gives immediate overlook on a particular task as a component of process.
Interactive message boards
ISETIA interactive message boards let to spread ideas, post topics, spark conversations and increase collaboration. Unlike within e-mail conversation everyone can participate in the discussion. Make collaboration smooth and increase its efficiency.
Helpful templates
With ISETIA there is no need to create new plan or process each time, just do it once. Create the template of work and activities, eventually modify the current one to fit the specification and use it in the future. Save time on repetitive work.
Try it today
Request a Trial Version of BIM for Excel
Use of BIM goes beyond the planning and design phase of the project. It extends throughout the building life cycle, supporting processes including cost management, construction management, project management, process management and facility operation.
You Can Do It All With ISETIA
Why ISETIA Is Perfect For Your Organisation

Single source of truth
Set your business & projects up for success by allowing your team to optimise and utilise the information from a single source of truth where all data is collected, managed and distributed.
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A COMMON DATA ENVIRONMENT is the single source of information used to collect, manage and disseminate documentation, the graphical model and non-graphical data for the whole project team.
Adopt a CDE to resolve data overload, technologies that don’t talk to each other, inconsistent workflows and processes as well as no standardisation, confusion, duplication and data loss. ISETIA is simply a profound base for company culture of connected, collaborative environment that everyone uses including common processes, workflows, standards and data access.

Define digital reality
ISETIA brings digital transformation. Develop your own digital transformation strategy by choosing ISETIA digital initiative which increases agility & speed for entire the organisation.
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ISETIA brings DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION to all industries, which is imperative for all businesses, from the small to the enterprise. However it will look different for every company, in general is defined as “integration of digital technology into all areas of business resulting in fundamental changes how companies operate and deliver their values”.
It truly matters at which place of digital transformation journey your company currently is as speed has become a business imperative for all.

Navigate your path
Use ISETIA BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE capabilities & transform raw data into meaningful & useful information as well as find relevant, reliable info with the goal of achieving better decisions faster.
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Improve your business judgments with support of performance management, self -service analytics capabilities, predictive modelling, data and text mining and much beyond that…
Empower people across your organisation with ISETIA Analytic module to build data – driven culture with powerful, visually stunning perspective. Experience a single environment for data preparation, visualization, enterprise reporting and dashboards which will boost your effectiveness.
Get To Know ISETIA
Features You Can Count On
Personalise your own dashboard view with all information required to perform the job. ISETIA automatically selects items that are assigned to the user or require the user’s attention.
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In one dashboard, group the ISETIA CARD® and all other objects like risks, issues, expenses, reports and documents.
Assign action items to team members and track them to closure. Action items are displayed on the dashboard when the user receives an assignment.
Enjoy the variety of privilege combinations available based on global or project roles and on individual users. Rest easy knowing that the company’s data is safe and secure.
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An extensive structure of privileges lets you rest easy knowing that the company’s data is safe and secure. Super users (Administrators) may grant or deny access for any action (adding, creating, editing, updating, opening, reading, viewing, deleting) to any area and object.
Stop worrying about security risks from third parties. All information is sent through the network in encrypted form. This removes the risk of hackers or bots gaining access.
Always know a project’s status thanks to storing & distributing full information for all your projects. Data can be utilised according to decisions made & shared with project stakeholders.
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Stay informed about any off-contract activity with controlled processes, automated tracking and a full audit trail.
Better resource utilisation means reduction of man hours and administrative costs. Knowledge of resources’ work assignments enables better and optimal usage. When executives realise that there is a gap between demand and the current pool of resources, more staff may be hired. In the reverse situation – an excessive pool of resources compared to current demand, may be reduced.
Stay informed throughout the contract cycle with automatic alerts, handy dashboards and configurable reports. Understand the actual situation for better managing and controlling projects. Generate reports for a variety of situations, including analysing all possible data stored in ISETIA.
Track every single piece of information you manage directly from the dashboard, including sending a document to revision, creating a document flow or assigning an ISETIA CARD®, document, process, risk, issue, activity, resource, expense, or lesson learned. This keeps you up-to-date and makes you more decisive.
When a task or action is completed it is archived, but still available to review. Every action taken by any user is logged with detailed information.
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Every action taken by any user is logged with detailed information – when, what, and who.
Lessons learned guarantee you to keep and store critical information and experiences from previous projects, allowing you to work better and smarter in the future.
Stop worrying about your data. By default, ISETIA automatically creates a backup once a day. The backup storage location and frequency is fully customisable.
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ISETIA is a cloud-based system. This means all the mundane IT infrastructure issues are done for you. If you would prefer to host your own system internally, please contact us to discuss how we can best assist you.
ISETIA Case Studies

Collaborate For Project Success

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Internal information circulation allows you send and receive data and documents with no lag, thanks to a centralised and cloud-based repository. You will be always up-to-date with ongoing actions thanks to your personal dashboard. This simplifies your work style by letting you focus on just what’s important and reduces the time needed to analyse data.
Work quickly and effectively with all stakeholders via a shared workspace on a multi-tenant web-based platform.
Quick question for a colleague? No problem! Use chat to communicate quickly instead of sending a whole email,
Immediately control, share, collaborate on and track the use of confidential documents. Automate accounting procedures, manage project documents and cooperate with customers and vendors. Quickly integrate with any existing PM, ERP, CRM or HRMS documents.

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Our professional real-time collaboration platform makes unique document flow simple, fast and effective. Cascade approvals on all stages of management (team leader, project manager, board member etc.) or remarks. Notes and any additional comments are collected and visualised at the same time. Cooperate in a transparent and clear way, no matter where you are.
Get direct feedback using the revision option. When a workflow is not needed, send the document directly. It’s a simple way to get information back as soon as possible.
External collaboration? No problem! Send links to documents to stakeholders who are not ISETIA users. The link expires after 48 hours.
Use markup to draw your message. Add comments using the painting tool when a colleague asks you for remarks or notes on document, mockup, photo or visualisation in any file format. Instead of a complicated verbal explanation, show them what you mean.
Verify actions, tasks and work done by your team at any time. An ISETIA CARD® gives you visualisation of the ongoing actions and personal data of its owner (including a photo, role, dates and deadlines).
The built-in chat feature lets everyone come together to discuss important topics, share ideas and resolve problems in real time.
An idea is only great when it’s shared. Use our interactive message boards to post topics, spark conversations and increase collaboration. Unlike with email conversations, everyone can participate in the discussion. Put the threads in distinct, dedicated zones for easy access.

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Reach your ‘big picture’ with easy access to all the information you need to make relevant decisions on initiating, suspending and closing processes, projects or programs. Each team member is able to perform work using a well-defined and easily accessible collection of information.
All project documents are stored in electronic form on the same platform. Access them any time.
All you need is an internet connection. No specific configuration is required as ISETIA is fully web-based solution.
The intuitive interface lets any user start work without training. It’s a self-teaching solution.

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ISETIA BIM Viewer allows you to integrate your BIM model and extend the scope of information into 3D. Apply comments either on objects or in ISETIA and they will be shared in both locations automatically.
Every company has its own structure, hierarchy and culture and needs to use information in a unique way. That’s why ISETIA is equipped with a code library component, which allows you to create specific priorities, values, importance levels or even simple tags for every single piece of information.
Save lessons learned during project execution and conclusions for the future in one place. This knowledge can improve quality and effectiveness of all the company staff in future projects.
The transparency of the information served in ISETIA BOARD® allows you to manage projects, processes, and documents based on Agile Manifest methodology and support management in a traditional way.

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ISETIA introduces a revolutionary move from a general structure of folders and subfolders into the private information zone, which can be tailored according to your own needs.
For the purpose of full understanding and transparency, the horizontal and vertical structuring of documentation allows you to keep information in order and its own place while connecting documents to packages.
The Code Library function allows you to create a hierarchy with tags for global structuring that considers the standards of object naming.
Cloud Benefits

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Utilise the benefits of collaborating online and your organisation will grow exponentially. ISETIA is an online process, project management and web collaboration platform that uses the internet to manage all size companies information from all industries.
Digitally connects all project stakeholders allowing them to communicate in online space, collaborate in real time providing complete visibility and management of data, documents as well as costs across of all stages of project lifecycle.
By online collaboration ISETIA offers a chance to achieve optimal communication among team members during project also gives access points beyond an office or home. Members of a team can bounce ideas off one another from mobile locations as well. ISETIA Online collaboration space keeps everyone on a project connected, updated and well informed.

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ISETIA Data Cloud Server Provider has acquired a variety of certifications and memberships that testify to the quality of our services. As a result we are able to offer our clients and partners the quality of service they have come to expect from us. ISO-certifications are not easily obtained as every year an independent party of auditors verifies our competencies. An extensive description of the certifications and memberships can be found below.
• ISO 27001:20131
• NEN 7510:2017
• ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001 concerns the standard of quality management and is applied to all processes through which we provide our services. This certification indicates that there is an effective quality management system in place in our datacenters, and that we observe the regulations regarding systematic control and fixed procedures. As a result we provide a constant high level of quality to our clients.

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The ISO 27001 certification proves that the procedures and day-to-day tasks within our datacenters comply with the strict procedures specified in the standard. During annual inspections and audits, the Information Security Management System (ISMS) and underlying processes are checked against this and approved. The standard specifies requirements for defining, implementing, operating, controlling, assessing, maintaining and improving a documented ISMS in the context of the general business risks to the organisation. On an international level this standard is increasingly seen as a benchmark for the level of information security.
ISO 14001 is a standard concerned with environmental management. With the aid of an Environmental Management System (EMS) per the ISO 14001 standard, the environmental risks of business operations can be managed and if possible reduced. Obtaining this certification and undergoing the annual inspection audits that result from it are a compliment to the emphasis that we place on the Corporate Social Responsibility of The Datacenter Group.
NEN 7510 is the Dutch standard for information security within the department of healthcare. It also serves as proof for healthcare insurers and patients that The Datacenter Group handles electronic patient files with the utmost care and responsibility. With the NEN 7510-certification TDCG shows that it has equipped an equivalent management system for healthcare. For care clients of the two datacenters this means that the datacenters in Amsterdam and Delft guarantee — to the benefit of patients — the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of all digital information.
PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. This certification ensures maximum security for clients of the datacenter during financial transactions. Companies who store, process and/or send credit card details are obligated to acquire this certification. Visa Inc., MasterCard, JCB, American Express and Discover Financial Services are responsible for establishing this norm. PCI DSS is the most important security standard in the payment industry for securing data. The Datacenter Group is audited annually by an independent party to ensure compliance with this standard.

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Your IT is our business! Since our establishment in 2007 we guarantee excellent climate control and 100% availability to our clients. But most of all we offer a secure home for your IT environment. Don’t want to leave things to chance? We also offer a unique twin-datacenter solution, so your data is stored separately, and thus more secure. Our Data Center offer high-quality colocation services.
This means that we rent out space in our datacenters that’s equipped with all the necessities to keep your equipment online 24/7. We are able to give this guarantee because our infrastructure meets the highest availability requirements of the Tier 3 standard. In other words: all crucial requirements such as cooling, power supply, emergency power and UPS systems are completely in sync with one another in addition to being installed redundantly.

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Our datacenters are secured by physical security on location 24/7/365. For security reasons it is only possible to enter the datacenters upon providing a valid ID. Our datacenters are equipped with several layers of physical security such as cameras and biometric access control. Visitors only gain access to authorised rooms necessary to their visit. Our security processes are guaranteed through our ISO 27001 certification, the standard for information security.
Our datacenter sets high standards for the quality and availability of its power supply. Our datacenters have realised an availability (uptime) of 100% since their founding. This is achieved in part by strict procedures, extensive external audits, regular checks, and the use of the newest technical infrastructure. One of these tests is the monthly Black Building test in which a power outage is simulated. In this way we check whether all emergency power systems are functioning according to the highest standards. During these tests our batteries, UPS’ (Uninterruptable Power Supply), diesel tanks, pumps, and emergency power generators are deployed.
All rooms in our datacenters are equipped with automatic extinguishing systems that are manually deployed in case of calamity according to the fire control protocol. In addition, all rooms feature CO2 extinguishers and a VESDA system (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus). This system measures the number of particles in the air through use of a laser, and it therefore able to detect a potential fire at a very early stage. Detection also occurs underneath the raised floor. In addition to these fully automatic systems, engineers are present 24/7, who will follow up on all fire alarms according to fire control procedures.
Our datacenter has developed its own adiabatic climate control system. With this cooling system we can indirectly cool the IT equipment of our clients with outside air, which makes our datacenters energy efficient. This is shown by our PUE value, which is on average 1,15. We can confidently say our datacenters are some of the most energy efficient datacenters in the world. In addition, the entire air treatment installation is set up based on an N+1 philosophy: for every critical part of our cooling installation, we run at least one backup system per data room.
Loved By Customers
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Frequently Asked Questions
ISETIA awards
ISETIA was granted Great User Experience Award and Rising Star Award from robust features that boost project efficiency and visibility. Achievement was awarded by FinanceOnline, a top B2B software review platform covering more than three thousand SaaS products.
ISO certificates

ISETIA in a nutshell
ISETIA helps people to plan, manage, collaborate, execute and report documents on projects, programs and portfolios. Helps to automate a consistent and repeatable processes, to increase efficiency, improve visibility and better utilize resources. It results with success in improvement of productivity, reduction of operational costs and mitigation of risk.
ISETIA is designed to help small, medium and big size organisations to manage their projects, programs and portfolios of projects successfully. Its unique character is based on covering needs in the same high standard of all levels of organisation in micro and macro planning with extraordinary multidimensional visualisation and interactive way. ISETIA introduces revolution move from general structure of folders and subfolders into the private information zone, which may be tailored to particular wish. Professional, real time collaboration platform makes unique document flow simple, fast and effective.
ISETIA is run on a cloud and offers a number of pre-configured modules aligned to different projects environments and needs to allow users to begin benefiting from solution immediately. Product has been constantly developing, in addition can be tailored into particular organisation specific needs.
Several modules like: Document Management, 3P Management, Cost Management, Process Management, Risk Management, Issue Management, Lessons Learned and BIM Module transfers ISETIA into Multidimensional World.
Try ISETIA For Free
Contact us to arrange a demo or trial this platform for free. We’d love to show you round this innovative online collaboration solution and answer all your questions.
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